Great Ideas

into Great Products


for your Company and Products


To ensure the most complex industrializations and the repeatability of productions and supplies


Installation of a 510.85 kWp Photovoltaic System

We are excited to announce the completion of the installation of an innovative 510.85 kWp photovoltaic system at our company. This project represents another step towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future for our productions. The installation of this system not only allows us to reduce energy consumption from the national grid but also highlights our concrete commitment in the fight against climate change.
Thanks to the instant self-consumption of the energy produced, we are able to meet part of the energy needs of our business activities. Our photovoltaic system is not just an ecological choice but also a strategic investment that allows us to optimize resources, improve operational efficiency, and partially mitigate the risks associated with electricity supply, actively contributing to a business continuity-oriented approach.
This project represents a tangible contribution to reducing our carbon footprint, and we are therefore proud to share this important milestone with you, once again confirming our commitment and dedication to innovation and a greener, more sustainable future.


COMEAR e BSP entrano a far parte di UMBRAGROUP

We are pleased to inform you that starting from today, October 4, 2023, COMEAR and BSP officially become part of UMBRAGROUP. In the new corporate configuration, UMBRAGROUP acquires 51% of the shares in COMEAR and BSP. The remaining 49% is held by CEO Claudio Becchetti, who has become a member of the Board of Directors of UMBRAGROUP since last June, further strengthening the strong relationship of trust, confidence, synergy, and collaboration between the two Companies. "For our companies, today represents a significant milestone in our journey. We began collaborating with UMBRAGROUP when we were still a small enterprise. Over these thirty-six years of history, we have grown significantly, now employing 285 people, and this operation aligns perfectly with the development and consolidation goals that COMEAR and BSP have always set for their future. The entry of an international industrial partner like UMBRAGROUP will further strengthen the stability, progress, and positioning of both companies." Claudio Becchetti - CEO of COMEAR and BSP.

Experiencedal 1987

CoMeAr has been operating for over 30 years in the field of precision mechanical machining and it is specialized in the custom production of critical and highly complex components for industrial, aerospace, medical, railway, defence and energy applications.

“Production of highly complex mechanical parts, with a high level of industrialization, in vertically integrated supply and with a guarantee of total quality in a free-pass system.”.


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Ultime News

La Didattica Portata in Azienda

Nel mede di dicembre, nell’ambito dell’iniziativa “La Didattica Portata in Azienda” del corso in Logistica-Gestione dei Progetti, abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitare una delegazione di studenti del 1° anno del corso di laurea specialistica in Ingegneria Meccanica, Curriculum Gestionale, dell’Università di Perugia; il gruppo, composto da una decina di studenti, è stato accompagnato dal Prof. Saetta, docente di Impianti Industriali Meccanici. L’obiettivo principale dell’incontro è stato quello di favorire un momento di avvicinamento tra il mondo accademico e quello industriale. Questa occasione si è rivelata particolarmente utile per illustrare agli ingegneri del futuro quali sono le attività svolte da CoMeAr e BSP, alcune logiche organizzative e di mercato, nonché delineare il tipo di competenze tecniche che le nostre aziende ricercano nel mondo del lavoro. Inoltre, abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di rispondere ad alcune domande formulate dagli studenti, mirate a comprendere in che modo trovano applicazione alcuni degli strumenti e delle metodologie studiate durante i vari moduli del corso di laurea specialistica. Ringraziamo il Prof. Cianetti, il Prof Moretti, il Prof Saetta, e il Prof. Senin per l’opportunità e tutti gli studenti che hanno partecipato, augurandoci di aver contribuito, con la nostra esperienza, al loro importante percorso di formazione professionale.


We are thrilled to announce COMEAR's participation in the AEROSPACE & DEFENSE MEETINGS in Turin, from November 28 to 30, 2023. The event represents a significant networking opportunity in the aerospace and defense sector. Don't miss the chance to visit our booth and meet our team. We look forward to welcoming you! Booth Umbria Aerospace Cluster n.226 Aerospace & Defense Meetings Torino

LEAP project

Last week, as part of the LEAP project (Leonardo Empowering Advanced Partnership) promoted by Leonardo to empower strategic suppliers, we participated in a training course organized in our company's training room. During the course, Engineer Morrone guided us through a detailed journey on the topic of '8 stages for incoming,' a crucial theme within the Quality Pillar of WCM. This opportunity for growth and knowledge exchange involved a cross-functional team from our company.
